Arrange your documents
BORA Document Management System (BORA DMS) structures and can store documents in a controlled file space in your company. Builds normative basis of documents and their maintenance in accordance with ISO standards. Provides electronic data exchange of your organization with other businesses.
Correspondence and Records
System for document organization in the form of records of internal corporate and external documents - in the form of business correspondence. The module keeps records of issued documents, means of data export in MS Word templates created by supported forms of quality system and link documents with other modules in the system.
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- Ability to create and register the incoming and outgoing mail.
- Register of documents quickly and easily by structuring lists.
- Ability to print a list of documents.
- Ability to export in templates of MS WORD documents - letters, applications, protocols, certificates.
- Links between Correspondence with other modules of BORA BS.
- Quick and easy detection of the exported files in the file environment.
- The ability to send via e-mail the documents’ text with one button.
- Attach files in e-folder to correspondence.
- Workflow with phases of documents development with approval control mode Controlling.
BORA Quality Management System
BORA QMS enables establishment and maintaining a documented quality management system of ISO standards or other documents with a similar organization.
Users are with predefined roles in building and maintaining a documented quality management system. They are assisted in structuring and development of the quality system’s documents and its maintenance.
Documents development includes:
- Organization of the database for all documents /final version/
- Review and approval by authorized personnel
- Production of documents from the database , using MS Word templates
BORA QMS is a part of the setup of BORA BS as a whole and includes defining the processes, types and models of documents and file management space.
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- Environment for defining roles of participants of group creation and maintenance of management system (QMS).
- Defining processes in the company covered by QMS.
- Definition of document types: procedures, instructions, forms and more.
- Planning, establishment and operation of the QMS.
- Automating the processes of development and structuring documents of the QMS.
- Automating the processes of creation and maintenance of documents of the QMS.
- Electronic submission for discussion and approval of documents of the QMS.
- Presents a convenient database for all current versions of the documents from QMS.
- Direct connection to the file space.
- Archiving older versions of documents.
- Maintaining registers of common current versions.
- Easy editing and creating new versions of documents.
BORA Business To Business
BORA B2B, develops standards and technology, enabling electronic data interchange (BORA EDI) to exchange data between different solutions to common formats and rules.
The structure of the messages are defined as EDIFACT messages and processed BORA BS as bilateral exchanges with other partners - supplier or customer.
Documents exchange related to processes materials movement- storage documents; commercial documents - orders and requests, account documents - invoices, customer delivery, product nomenclature and contractors and so on.
e-Bank statements - BORIKA - Bankservice as interbank operator, provides the service for authorized access to bank statements, which are read, transformed and loaded into BORA BS.
e-Invoice /e-Faktura/ - Trend by European practice, is switching to electronic exchange of invoices. BORA BS prepares automated processes to exchange invoices with WEB services by BORIKA - Bankservice
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- Data exchange with other partners (suppliers or customers) with EDIFACT - formats:
- Messaging: ORDERS - customer orders - incoming messages.
- Messaging: ORDRSP - Confirmations and changing customer orders - outgoing messages.
- Messaging: DELVRY - message delivery (Delivery note) - outgoing / incoming Messaging.
- DESADV - Information on the supply structure of the packing list with details of the relevant packaging and barcode identifiers - incoming messages.
- Messaging: WHTRAN - Storage documents - information about the product or commodity - outgoing / incoming messages.
- Messaging: INVOIC - Invoice - outgoing / incoming messages;
- Data exchange XML - formats:
- Format invoice format Bankservice.
- Data exchange CSV, TXT - formats:
- Format payments format EasyPay.
- Forms of payment in the format of the NRA, NSSI, pension funds.
- Freely defined formats for all active reports