Business Intelligence

Analyze your business with BORA Business Suite

When your business is managed by BORA Business Suite, you can get a deeper look at the financial company, you can control the assets and workforce of your organization through a single system for reporting and analysis.

The accountancy in BORA Business Suite presents in each module with a number of predefined reports and analyzes for the various management levels.

These reports are upgradable with flexible means for the preparation of operational reports and analyzes with the active participation of users. These are active statements and analytical business reports as tools for data processing with the ability to easily extract new useful information..

A third possibility is analytical business analysis with BI architecture, by BORA Business Intelligence, in integration with the other BORA Business Suite’ systems, with the ability to maintain a unified environment dimensions and processes for analytical reports.

  • Active Reports - Active reports are interactive tool to present the data from BORA BS for organizing and analyzing data in tabular form. The information is sections of the data, presented as lists, organized in rows and columns.

    The user has the opportunity to operational quickly and easily compile electronic reports  due to data selection and subsequent manipulation of lists.

    The active reports are productive tool for processing flows of data, so the user can make changes such as edit, add, delete data according to the logic of the selected application and access rights.

  • Analytical reports - analyzes in real time OLAP style is performed by Analytical business reports as an interactive tool for data in different sections and aggregation through the so-called cubes.
  • Business Analysis - BORA Business Intelligence is a third generation Business Analysis system, who possess sound definition of dimensions, methods and processes with ERP systems and other databases. Combined reporting and analysis of structured data stored in repositories and operating online analysis.

BI features supported for defining a user space with basic dimensions for Directions, Activities, Costs and processes through the loading distribution; Consolidation and calculation form a different set of analytical business reports, specific for the company.

Analytical business reports for analysis by management of a company and respond to calls, style and method of the company management.


See articles: BORA Business Intelligence - Principles of operation